From  September 29th to October 3rd, 2014 the pupils of the fourth forms spent an „English“ week in St.Johann in Pongau.   

In the morning we had four interesting lessons with our cool teachers from England. We practiced our English by playing games, doing quizzes and other different exercises. After lunch we had a sports lessons; we got to know traditional games such as dodgeball , cricket and rounders and we  liked playing them. Every day we had a show period for preparing a little show and a period for our project, which we wanted to present at the end of the week.

For the rest of the time we could do what we wanted. Close to the house there was  a go-kart track, a volleyball court , a miniature golf course and a swimming pool. Although the water was cold some of us dared to jump into the pool. Inside the house we had the opportunity of jumping on the trampoline and playing table tennis. Two of us – Vanessa and Helene celebrated their birthday and we had a little present for them. On Friday we presented our projects and shows.

With our nice English teachers the week was great fun and we really enjoyed it.  

Wagenhammer Vanessa 4K 

Asanger Kerstin 4K


Nachrichten aus der Schule


Wir wünschen allen Mitgliedern der Schulgemeinschaft erholsame Ferien!

Öffnungszeiten in den Ferien:

8.-12.7.: 9- 12 Uhr
Di. 16.7, 23.7., 13.8., 20.8., 27.8.:
jeweils 9-12 Uhr
2.-6.9.: 9-12 Uhr

Unterrichtsbeginn am 9.9., 7:50 Uhr
Die 1. Klassen treffen sich im Festsaal im 1. Stock.


Schulautonome Tage im Schuljahr 24/25:

Herbstferien Sa. 26.10. – So. 3.11.2024
Dienstag nach Ostern: Di. 22.4.2025
Freitag nach Chr. HF: 30.5.2025
Freitag nach Fronleichnam: 20.6.2025

Termine der nächsten 7 Tage:

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