Not so long ago, we went to Hinterstoder with our teachers, Ms Mader and Mr Rass, to improve our English.

We travelled by train as well as bus and arrived shortly before lunch. After a brief explanation by the housekeeper, Heidi, and a room check, we met our native speakers, Mylz and Wendy, who were really nice.

In the afternoon, we had our first lessons. They carried out some activities to help us get to know each other better. After dinner, we played some games together.

The next day, we had lessons right after breakfast. We were divided into two groups to practice speaking English, prepare a show as well as a presentation. We also played a fun game for which we had to take photos of certain things we needed to find in the accommodation as well as outdoors.

On the third day, it rained all day long, so we had to cancel our planned hike and had lessons instead. Later on, we played a thrilling mystery game and had the chance to participate in a little dance course with Mylz. Before going to bed, we watched a movie called "Inside Out."

On the fourth day, we went on our hike, which was very strenuous, but the view was stunning. In the evening, we presented our projects, gave our presentations and received our "English in Action" certificates as a reward. Then, it was time to bid farewell to Mylz and Wendy.

On the day of our return, we packed our belongings and tidied up our rooms a bit. We played table tennis, just like we did on the other days. We waved goodbye to Hinterstoder and headed home by train. It was a wonderful week, and we all had so much fun.

Thanks to Mylz and Wendy for being so kind, and thanks to Ms. Mader and Mr Rass for the fantastic time we had in Hinterstoder.

Jana Baumgartner, Ina Ernst and Maeve Mühlbachler


Nachrichten aus der Schule


Wir wünschen allen Mitgliedern der Schulgemeinschaft erholsame Ferien!

Öffnungszeiten in den Ferien:

8.-12.7.: 9- 12 Uhr
Di. 16.7, 23.7., 13.8., 20.8., 27.8.:
jeweils 9-12 Uhr
2.-6.9.: 9-12 Uhr

Unterrichtsbeginn am 9.9., 7:50 Uhr
Die 1. Klassen treffen sich im Festsaal im 1. Stock.


Schulautonome Tage im Schuljahr 24/25:

Herbstferien Sa. 26.10. – So. 3.11.2024
Dienstag nach Ostern: Di. 22.4.2025
Freitag nach Chr. HF: 30.5.2025
Freitag nach Fronleichnam: 20.6.2025

Termine der nächsten 7 Tage:

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